Oct 6, 2014

Exchanges at the airport

person1: I was here before you were
person 2: No, I went to counter 23 but someone else came back and hence I am coming here.
person 1: I didn't see you before me in the line
person 2: Thats because I was in 23 and neither did I see you behind me when I was in the line
person 1: I already have a boarding pass
person 2: I also have one. They give one to every one who does a web-checkin and that does not make you any special


42 year old: Please stand in line
31 year old: Hello, I was here and I went to bring the tray for laptop
42 year old: That doesn't matter, you should go back to the line
person 3: (to person 2), thats OK, you can stand in front of me
31 year old goes and stands behind 42 year old, but is very, very irritated. 
31 year old to 42 year old: you get 10 points now that you are ahead
42 year old: *smirking* what 10 points?
31 year old: you can go and tell your mother that you won today in the line competition
42 year old: Learn to give respect!
31 year old: are you going to mention the 10 points also to your mother? It may make her proud


1 comment:

What About Me? said...

Oh dude its killing.